2685 days of the S&P500 bull market!
2685? This is how many days the current bull market on the American market started in March 2009 (Fig. 1). In other words, it’s been over 10 years of continuous growth with subtle corrections along the way. Are further increases still possible? Certainly not one market participant will definitely say that the upward trend is going on and is doing well. However, please look at the chart in Figure 2, which presents a statistical view of the current bull market of the US Stock Exchange. What we see?
Well, the course has arrived and is now clashing with gigantic resistance located in the area of 3095 points! In my opinion, this level should end the stage of previous increases and start a fairly strong and rapid correction in the markets. As mentioned in the entry https://newhach.eu/en/return-to-carolan-dax-30-usa-wall-street-stock-market/ , November should bring this change !.
In addition, the newhach index shows quite a large buyout of the market (Fig. 3), which, based on historical data, preceded rapid changes in the index.